Friday, November 6, 2015

Busy As A Bee

(Written Monday, October 19, 2015)

Hello Everyone,

This email is going to be really short! It has been a crazy busy week, but nevertheless full of miracles!
We saw Anahi get baptized which was a wonderful experience, she was so happy and cried after she came out of the water because she felt the spirit so strong and was so happy. Her brother and grandmother came who are not members and they both really liked it. Pablo, the 10 year old brother came up and asked us afterwards when he could get baptized and he hadn't been interested before and now he is telling everyone he is getting baptized. He came to church and loved it and Grandma came too which was cool so we may have two more baptisms really soon!
All the young women that came to support Anahi at her baptism (and us of course, because we are cool).

We had zone conference where we learned how we can help our area more from the Stake President. Also, our President told us that our mission has really high key indicators compared to any other mission in North America, he said it's not us, it's our members who are so willing to come out and help us and bring their friends and they trust us and because of that, we see more success. I am so grateful for members who go out with the missionaries! It is so helpful to us, even when we may not have a teaching appointment.
Our cute zone!
We also went on exchanges with our sisters and it was so fun and we saw many miracles including that we met a man named John who basically had a ton of questions and we were able to teach the whole plan of salvation right on his front porch and he was so excited for us to come back.

I love this gospel! I know that Heavenly Father is preparing people and I am so grateful to be an instrument in his hands! Everyone have a great week and try to go out with the missionaries at least once!
Sister Alayna Nelson

PS- We did a short class during sharing time in our primary class here about missionary work. This was my favorite song they sang in the primary program because they sang with such conviction and it was so cute so I asked them to sing for all of you. Enjoy!

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