(Written Monday, March 23, 2015)
Howdy Everyone!
This has definitely been the most eccentric week of my mission. Lots of interesting happenings between an 80's party for the church, seeing a hippie van and slaying a pinata at a women's night, a missionary farewell and trying sushi for the first time (all of which are pictures that will be posted to the blog). Sometimes the mission is full of really random moments and experiences that we get to write about and remember.
So many good things are happening here in our little piece of Heavenly Father's vineyard. We are teaching some amazing people the gospel and bringing them closer to our Savior Jesus Christ.
This week, we had the privilege of teaching one of our investigators, Gaby, the Plan of Salvation, which answers the questions of the soul: where did I come from, why am I here and where am I going. We taught it in two parts and when we came back to review these things with her and teach the second part, she was able to explain everything to us and how she understood it and it was so incredible. We talked to her about baptism and she said she wanted to be baptized and that she knew that we could help her be ready by helping her get a testimony of everything she still wants and needs to learn. She is incredible. She was also sick a couple days later and was able to receive a blessing from priesthood holders and she felt the power given to them by Christ to heal her of her illness. Her testimony is very strong and I love seeing the gospel blessing people's lives by improving the quality of their living.
I love this mission so much and I hope it is changing me so much too so that I can be the best version of me when I come home. I have been out nearly 5 months and pretty soon I will only have a year left. It feels like I just got here, it's crazy how fast this goes!
Thank you for your prayers and love,
Hermana Alayna Nelson
Mountains to Climb
This is beautiful and I add my testimony to this video too, If we have
faith in our Savior Jesus Christ, we can make it through any hard trial.
I Love my Savior.
The pictures here are me and my new district at In & Out, all you people out east know that the west is missing out because Steak 'N' Shake is way better.
with my first taste of sushi from the restaurant Pei Wei. the same day
(I don't wear the same outfit two days in a row, this is the same day as In 'N Out) |
And just so you know that I actually tried it and ate it, it was good and I didn't die. |
Because you have to take pictures with hippie vans, also, notice the bag! It is fabulous! |
The 80's party that we stopped in on for like 10 minutes, and then left because it wasn't exactly a missionary hang out. |
I got to use my softball skills to annihilate a pinata this week. |