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Hermana Nelson and President & Sister Snow |
All the newbies, the Sister Training Leaders of the Mission and the Assistants to the President along with the mission president and his wife. |
Me and my new companion. These older sisters were all brought into their missions together and have now become "moms" which means they train younger/green missionaries. |
This was my first door knocking. Sadly, they didn't open the door, but we did get to give the Book of Mormon away in a series of Miraculous events! |
Also, this is dinner at the Navarette house where they fed us catfish heads and shrimp with eyes ;) It was awesome. The little boy is named Saul and he named his shrimp "little Elvis" so funny! |
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Today is P-Day and we got to go to a Christmas tree farm and take some pictures for a Cmas card we are going to send home to a couple friends. It's been so great already! |
crazy ninja weirdo |
This was me and my companion singing with the elders at the Christmas party for church |
And our Sunday red with the sweet little girls at church :) |
This is the Figuroa family and we had dinner with them yesterday to celebrate my companion's birthday! They are so cute! |
We had the opportunity to visit a lady at the nursing home and simultaneously do service! I love making 3D snowflakes! |
This is Kristina with the beautiful dolls she gave us! |
Here is a picture of the strip at night. As missionaries, this isn't in our area and even if it was, we can't go there but it looked pretty cool from this member's house. |
Making Cookies with my companion. We felt like little Christmas elves. |
We made so many goodies one morning for everyone! I love baking!!!! |
These are our interesting Christmas cookies. all I can say is I tried. |
My sweet new PJs from my mom! So many of my Christmas traditions that I have with my family were kept in the sweet package that my mom sent me :) |
And this is our christmas tree set up and the sweet stuff that my mommy sent us! |
Me and my companion and our party hats |
This is an example of how we snowflaked doors for people for Christmas! It was our first one!! |
This is my district singing at the hospital |
We had breakfast at a members home and reenacted the nativity scene (me and my companion were wise men)! |
This is one of the sweet families that we got a dinner set up for! The dad is Luis the mom is Rosa Maria, the kids are Pablo and matthew and Cathy (and Bryan wasn't there because he was working) but we love them and feel so strongly that they are ready for the gospel and to be baptized :) |
This is one of the families we were able to get meals to. This is Leticia and her sweet children :) |
The other sisters in our zone left Christmas gifts on our doorstep, but they knocked so hard it scared us and we grabbed a knife. When we found out it was harmless, we were a bit embarrassed |
Bumpkin Christmas! Indiana and Hick Nation can still be found in Las Vegas! This made me laugh :) |
This was my first exchange with the Sister Training Leaders, we just switch companions for the day and it was pretty cool! Sister Mayfield and Sister Kraus |
Outside, they have a statue set of the nativity and it was so pretty :) |
This is our New Year's fest with delicious Martinelli's and Chinese food and fortunes and everything! It was so much fun! |
This is me trying the octopus that Gabe sent me, right before I couldn't take it anymore and spit it all out! It was so gross, I almost threw up! |
These are the cute hello kitty socks Gabe sent me from japan and he also sent me authentic hello kitty stickers! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Christmas made :) |
I learned how to make homemade tortillas this week and I am a pro with the technique and everything! I'll be making those when I get home! |
This is my district along with our Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders. We are a pretty great bunch! |
This picture is from this past exchange that we just had with our STLs (Sister Training Leaders), Sister Mayfield and Sister Kraus. They are such sweet girls :) |
Our FHE's are coming along, slowly but surely! They will get better! But it's been an awesome idea! FHE with two families! |
I'm clearly an adult now! You know you're an adult when you get excited about gas prices. I have never seen them this low in my entire life. I have no idea why they are so cheap here, but they are! |
Also, Dad, I saw this car and thought of you! It was a beauty :) |
A picture for P-Day of last week! Isn't my necklace cute?! I love it and one of our investigators gave it to me for Christmas! |
Lidia and her grandchildren. She was one of our investigators, but she is going to Mexico for a while so we won't see her. |
This is carlos. He is the recent convert from Salt Lake City that likes to stand to close to us and post pictures on facebook. |
were headed to see a less active in rich-ville, rich land, rich city, gated community land! And she lives on a hill in this place and you can
see the whole city! Well part of it! So enjoy this!
Exploring! |
We work out ;-)! |
This is a Selfie from morning sports! Check it out! |
I am grateful for American chicken nuggets and Wendy's! |
Mom is going to hate this one, but this is us being silly getting ready for bed and I just so happened to take it at the perfect time ;) |
This is my closet! Yay, its nice! I am blessed! |
So here is our bedroom and my bed. It is quite cozy! I have pictures and things from the family in here :) |
We jokingly bought "IT'S A GIRL" streamers when I first came here since my trainer is like my mom and I am like her baby! |
My glorious (finally clean) desk :) I love having it organized! I have boxes underneath where I store the majority of my books! I love it :) Above my desk, all my wonderful pictures |
These are all the letters I have gotten since I have been here! I will respond soon! I promise! Thank you for them all so much! |
This is our little outdoor area. We don't really have many windows at all, but this is where I do my studying, at my desk so...this is a picture out my "study window" |
This is our extra room where we do companionship study, weekly planning
and all kinds of good stuff! My bathroom and closet are in here, but this is where the work gets done. |
These boards are in our planning room They have our personal goals and mission goals as well as all the people we teach and where they are so none fall through the cracks and everyone is important! |
And this is a map of my area! It is giant! Like 45 minutes driving from top to bottom! We cover two stakes! So its nuts, but I love it! |
A day in the life of a missionary. My planner. It's so messy! A transfer goal I have now is to have a better looking planner |
This was the outside of my first planner in the field that my "mom" made for me before I got here :) |
Me and my companion on a day when we looked extra fabulous! |
This picture is of my district before transfers at our last district meeting together |
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