10th Transfer Photos

The new quad, helping move Fay Johnson to her new home.
Rice cheeks ^^^ (Gabe's nickname for my fat face hahahah)
Probably one of the most random photos ever. She had interesting stuff - a lot of crazy things.
This is where they put the mirror in McDonalds, those people are on crack.
A member bought us a Christmas tree! Isn't that sweet?
​I loved these cards! I will send more pictures soon but look, it's me as a cat this morning! I will send you more pictures Monday!
Talking to the family on Christmas day!!
My Christmas gifts
And all the trash from Christmas...dang!
The nativity scene with the Calverts and our investigator Eliza.
This is me and sister George this morning. Love you all!
We were able to get some donations to buy presents for a family in need with some of our investigators and then we were able to doorbell ditch them and it was so fulfilling.
Our Christmas gifts for all the sisters in our zone
Us delivering them and doorbell ditching their apartments at 6:30 in the morning.
The Christmas present from the elders, they think they are so funny.  This is why there are women in the world, they just wrapped tape around the whole box and gave us corn... silly. 
They gave us corn since I'm from Indiana and they said it was my baby.
So I took pictures with it to fight back, this is it!
So funny...
The snow in a can my mom sent me turned out great!
It really does feel like snow!
A Santa that tells
'Twas The Night Before Christmas,"
so obviously we got a picture.
This is us helping move a recent convert in our ward.  We were so glad when we finished, it was hard work but really fun!
Boulder City has my heart! I love aliens...
...and I love the Blues Brothers :)
While we were sick, we literally did everything we could!
I almost bought this hat!
Exchanges with Sister Mere who is from South Africa! She's a convert herself and so I got  to talk to her about my sister serving there
Exchanges with Sister Brown when we were on the bikes! We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!
To North Las Vegas for a baptism
My mission mom, Sister Moore
I love this picture of the savior that we found.
He is so happy when we put forth just a little more effort each day to be a little better!
This is how I eat lunch sometimes! I get so lazy!
Me and Sister Navarro on exchanges when I was well.
Dave and Cat who were our investigators that we gave to the elders. We got to see them the other night.
Dave and Cat
Me and Sister Navarro when I was sick (it got bad on our exchange)
This is me and Sister George this morning to prove that I'm doing better! Have a great week!
Two of our laurels that come out with us all the time
A Martin Luther King Jr. quote... he totally said this.
We at at the elders' favorite restaurant called Chicken Shack, it was the first place I ate at that gave me heart burn, but it hurt so good. Their food is really good
We also did service for the Salvation Army packing canned goods for the needy
Look who I found in the mall!
Sister George's 21st Birthday in Vegas, so I decorated the house for her.
Sister George's Birthday
Sister George's Birthday
Me riding a dinosaur!

An exchange I went on with a Sister
This is the meeting with Elder Corbridge.
Dave and Cat got baptized
Dave and Cat got baptized
We went on a hike with our investigator the morning that she got baptized it started at 4:30am.
It was so beautiful!
This is Eliza! It was a great day!
The hair process
It was bleached and now it's black! It looks really good and feels so full now!
Better pictures will come someday soon, but this is crazy me!
Hair Styles
I walked out of my house today and there was snow on the mountain right by our house, this doesn't happen so it was exciting!

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