(Written Monday, March 30, 2015)
Wow everyone, this has been a week full of miracles out the wazoo!
I hope you all had a great week and you are excited as Easter is getting closer! I am looking so forward to being able to celebrate the resurrection of my Savior Jesus Christ, but not only that, General Conference on Easter Morning, which means that the whole world gets to listen to the prophet of God give us comfort and counsel in a world that is so hard to live in! I am so grateful for that!

This week, I was very humbled to learn that Heavenly Father really does have a plan for me. Last week, I was having a hard time understanding why after all my hard work, diligence and obedience, I saw now fruits to my labors. My companion, who has a lot more faith than I do in this aspect said, in regards to no one being at church, "It's okay sister, everything will work out eventually and Heavenly Father has a plan, maybe this Sunday wasn't the best for them to come." I had a hard time accepting this because it seemed like we couldn't have had a better Sunday. However, this Sunday, I got to see all six of these beloved sons and daughters at church (perfect attendance for what I had wanted the week before ) and it was so much better for them than last Sunday would have been. They made so many friends and got integrated into the activities and they all loved it! I am so happy to say that my sweet friend Gaby and her family were able to make it to church this week and I was beaming all during the Sacrament Meeting because I knew that Heavenly Father was listening to me and showing me that He's there and I KNOW that I appreciated having them there so much more this week than I would have the week before. Heavenly Father has not only been teaching me patience this transfer, but also to trust in Him, His judgement, His timing etc. and it's blessed everything we have done.

I also learned a lot from the worldwide Women's broadcast this past Saturday night, it was all about the family and it kinda made me miss my family for just a few seconds because of how grateful I am that they have helped me be the person that I am. But it was incredibly inspiring and empowering to us as woman in a scary world. I learned a lot from President Eyring's talk about being compassionate and I invite you all to watch it on lds.org. I love how inspired the church leaders are and I love this gospel.
That's basically it spiritual wise this week, other random things to note, I cleaned out a cat lady's house for service this week and it made me really never want to have like more than 2 cats ever. There was so much cat hair, but it was really fun, we did it as a district.
I got my bangs back and I feel so much more like myself which is nice.
We had exchanges again with our sweet Sister Training Leaders and I got to be in an English area for the day and I learned so much from Sister Robinson. Oh and I tried cactus, which tastes kinda like a green bean mixed with cucumber, it was kinda weird, but I kinda liked it! The things you do as a missionary!
I love you all! My commitment to you all is to watch conference this week and send me an email with your favorite talk or quote from conference and why you liked it! I know these men and women are inspired from our Heavenly Father to tell us the newest information that will protect us in this world! If you would like to know how to watch conference, visit
This Link to learn more!
I love you all,
Have a phenomenal week and a phenomenal Easter!
HE IS RISEN and BECAUSE HE LIVES, I get to share the good news of life after death with all of Las Vegas.
Hermana Alayna Nelson